Sunday, September 30, 2007
Technology has grown immensly over the past few years. If teachers do not learn how to use this technology than they will fall behind. They will not be able to teach their students bout the ways of the internet and their students will become tecnologically iliterate as well. Living in the 21st century, technology has become so impprtant. Without technology we would be no where.
Teachers and students need to keep up with tecnology. Technology is growing and we have to grow with it. Learning about technology and computers will benefit everyone. In the future we will be able to do things with computers that we have never been able to do before. Technology is especially important for college students. College students use technology daily, and if they don't learn about it in high school they will be lost throughout college.
Teacher knowing the ways of technology will better the learning enviroment for the students. If the students are more literate on technology than the teacher what is the student getting from it? The teacher has to be able to teach the student about new things on the computer or other devices. Technology can help a lot in the classroom, especially laptops. Laptops make it so much easier to learn in the classroom. If teachers don't know how to use them then how are the students supposed to?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Is Payment for Good Grades Legitimate Motivation in This Day and Age?
Although there are good outcomes from paying a student to get good grades, I don't think it is the best way to approach the subject. Some tests show that when a parent or adult pays their child when they get a good grade actually improves the student academically, it can cause problems in the future.
Paying a student when he or she gets an A gets that person in a routine of receiving something for whenever their grade is high. Even though this is a good thing at that moment in time it may not be so great for the future. When that person goes to college he is still going to rely on his parents for a certain amount of money. If he doesn't recieve that money he may slip through the cracks and fall behind. Our parents can't always be there to send us ten or fifteen dollars for getting an A. We can't depend on that to keep our grades up.
Getting good grades will have a reward for us sooner or later. If we get good grades throughout high school we are guranteed to get into an amazing college. From there, if we get good grades in college we will have a good future. Paying for good things can even go beyond grades. If a student depends on getting money for whenever he or she does something good, it can carry on throughout there life. For example if he gets a job, he may expect to get something from his parents. And maybe its not even money he is expecting, it can go beyond money. Paying them allows the student to not be independent and always rely on someone else.
Could something like this happen in the United States?
Why not? The United States can grow as well as Shanghai.
The United States should hold a conference for educators to better schools and their environment. Like Shanghai, we should look in the future and see how we can change it. Their is always room for growth. Holding a conference for educators and bring up so many new ideas and doors for students of the future. Who knows what we can come up with. Holding a conference would allow opportunities for the U.S to grow.
Obviously, educators should attend this conference, but I also think students should be allowed to attend. Not a lot of students should be allowed to come to this conference, but maybe college students from several different colleges. This would allow experienced. Their has been so much growth in the United States with technology, why stop there? Not only can we bring technology to schools across the U.S but new ways to learn.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
School's always look at test scores. I think it plays an important role in whether you get into a school or not. Taking a test to get into a private school is a good example of this. When you apply to Regis you have to take a test. They calculate your score and it is important to do well on the quiz or odds are you probably won't get in.
I don't think that test scores should be that important. Test scores in general are important but they shouldn't be the main importance to schools. Some kids have difficulties taking tests and are under a lot of pressure. These kids may have excellent grades though. Schools should focus more on the actual homework grades rather than test scores.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
A lot of things can change in a few years. Some of the soldiers have not been home in years. Everything could have changed in that amount of time. They need to go home and catch up with everyone and keep in touch with loved ones. I can't imagine if someone in my family was sent off to Iraq and was gone for months or years at a time.
"The more successful we are, the more American troops can return home."
I just hope that we are successful so some of our troops can come home.
In fifth grade I had a religion teacher named Mr. Warner. He was in his mid-twenties and he was still figuring out what he wanted to do with his life. I can honestly say that he was the best teacher I have ever had. He always made learning fun and exciting and knew us better than any other teacher, he wasn't their just to teach us the things we needed to know, he was their to get to know us and help us with anything. While he was good at teaching, he wanted to pursue his dream of being in the military. He left us at the end of the year and went off to train. We received letters from him often and our teacher read them to us. A while after we found out that he would be fighting in Iraq. I was worried but also happy for him that he finally found out what he wanted to do and support our country.
It takes a lot of bravery to risk your life for other people. Soldiers are fighting for us. This doesn't just include the United States, the military is also trying to make Iraq and Afghanistan a better place. The danger in those countries is incredibly high. I am always hearing about bombings and murder. It is terrible what is going on in Iraq right now.
There are several things that we can do to support our troops. My dad found a organization where families and individuals can send a box of goods to a solidi er. We have done this two years in a row so far, and it feels good to know that we are doing something good and helping out someone who is fighting for us. We sent a big box of food and goods to our particular solidi er. In return he sent us a letter thinking us and telling us how much he appreciates it. It was great to learn more about what is going on and that the soldiers are so genuine and care so much about tour country.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
September 11, 2001 was one of the most horrific days the world has ever seen. Schools and work places need to remember this day. It is important that we think about and pray for those Innocent people who were lost that day. Thousands of people lost loved ones, even young kids died form this terrorist attack. Four United States planes were hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon and the Twin Towers. According to CNN 2973 people died on this day just six years ago.
The fact that schools and work places are not educating their students about this day is ridiculous. Kids especially need to know about this day in history. A lot of children do not remember what happened this day because they were to young. We need to remind them how many people were lost. They need to understand that things happen and sometimes people can get hurt or even killed. Schools need to teach them that it is not OK to hurt others or do wrong to others. If we do not teach young kids these lessons than when they get older, they may not fully understand the concept of not injuring others.
I remember September 11, 2001 vividly. I was at my neighbors house to carpool for school. I was standing their waiting for everyone, when we were on our way out the door I glanced at the television and could not believe my eyes. I was only eight years old and I wasn't sure what had happened, I only had a few seconds to comprehend the image on the screen of the burning building. When i go to the school the teachers were all listening to the radio. I remember sitting in my classroom listening to my teacher explain what was going on and tell us that the United States was under attack. All that day, we listened to the radio. I had never experienced anything this dramatic in my life. The thought of all the people who lost loved ones is unbelievable.
In this feed, it was mention that only few recent U.S history books had much to say about 9/11. September 11 is such an important date in U.S history. If it is not put in history books eventually it will be forgotten. The history books that it was mentioned in included limited information. Four out of nine text books talked about how many people were killed, and who was responsible for it.
9/11 was a big deal. Schools are starting to act like it is not. Teachers should educate children and teens about it. Young kids should know that not everyone in the World does the right thing. If they don't learn this when they are young they will be ignorant about the situation as they get older and won't be prepared for it when they do find out. We can't let September 11, 2001 be forgotten, it is to important.