Tuesday, November 27, 2007

PLN 22

Today I read a post about Online Harassment. This post was about a girl who was harassed online and eventually ended up committing suicide. Megan Meier was only thirteen years old and began talking to a sixteen year old boy on myspace. She liked this boy until he began making fun of her and calling her names. This one boy was not the only one harassing her, others began to join in. A few days before her birthday she killed herself.

Online harassment can have a tragic outcome. Like in Megan Meier's case it was death. I believe that people should monitor their kids on the Internet. If their teenager was acting strange then the parents should investigate and find the source of the problem. Their are to many people out in the world trying to harass teens to not do anything about it. Parents should not allow young kids on sites like myspace. Teens that are mature enough to know not to talk to strangers or give out information should be the only ones allowed on these sites. Teens need to know their limits.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

PLN 19

Today I read a new post called Lindsay Lohan Arrested Again For DUI; Reportedly Checks Back Into Rehab. This was an interesting article. Lindsey Lohan has been making some really bad decisions lately and wrecking her career as an actress. She needs to get help, and stay in Rehab, not check out a few weeks or months later. She has to pay for her actions.

Most people think that just because she is a celebrity she should be treated differently. I completely disagree with this. Celebrity or not, we are all equal and have equal rights. For Lindsey Lohan, this isn't her first time messing up, she has done this multiple times. It is time for her to become more mature and get what she deserves.

Lindsey Lohan has been setting a bad example for everyone. Her fans have been let down by her. She has a lot of young fans and are going to wonder what happened to her when they don't see her in movies anymore. After rehab, it will be extremely difficult for her to get work after her record. She should not be receiving special treatment and needs to face what she has done.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

PLN 18

Today i read Do Schools have Birth Control. This post talks about how schools are deciding if they should give out birth control in schools. Giving out birth control in middle schools is ridiculous. Middle schools kids should not be doing any of that. By giving out birth control they are saying that it is okay to have sex. They should be educating there students and telling them to wait.

I think that birth control should be given out in High Schools. In high schools teenage girls drop out because of pregnancies. Giving out birth control may lessen the amount. Even though it is not right to be doing this in high school, people are still going to. Giving out birth control will be safer and hopefully help.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

PLN 17

Today I read We Can't Stop It. This was a touching post because it talks about how firefighters are risking their lives to but out these treacherous wild fires. There is no way to completely stop these fires, they are out of control. Firefighters are doing their best to control and protect as much land and homes as they can, but it isn't doing much good. We need to get more firefighters out their to help prevent more of these.

Thousands of homes and even lives have been lost to these fires. California has the worst wild fires, and they are destroying everything in their path. Prevention of these wildfires happen even before the fire. Their are ways to help lessen these fires. So many people have lost their homes and belongings. We need to work continually to settle the fires. I cannot imagine what I would do if my house burned to the ground due to a wildfire. These people must be devastated. Firefighters are true hero's, they put other peoples lives before their own and are doing their best.

One wildfire that has been going on is said to burn until it reaches the ocean. Even though it is hard to realize, there is not much they can do about it. Wildfires just keep going, especially with the increased wind and hot weather. We need to keep water on the areas and do our very best to prevent more homes and people from being hurt.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

PLN 16

Today i read a post called Parent and Internet Using Teens. This post talks about how teens are being affected by using the internet to much. Parents need to monitor how much time children are spending on the internet. To much time on the internet can become addicting and eventually be all they do. Their are so many other ways to interact, the internet should not be used as a main source to do that.

A lot of parents do not realize how much time there child is spending on the internet. This needs to change. Even though the internet has a lot of useful qualities, their are also sites that can corrupt someone. Parents just need to watch and limit the time teens are allowed on the computer. Why sit at home on the computer when you can get out and interact with actual people?

Computers are useful, but to much use is harmful. The internet is huge, there are few things that you can't do or access on the internet these days. Kids especially need to realize this, they also need to realize that its not the end of the world if they can't always be on the computer. Their are so many other things to do and we don't need to spend so much time on the internet. Even though it has its down sides, using it in classrooms and for work is an excellent way of learning.