Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Today I chose to read "Teachers to broach 9/11 carefully, if at all". I found this entry under the Denver Post. This feed seemed appropriate because today is 9/11. When I was reading this entry several thoughts kept running through my head. Some of the things that were said were a little bit shocking. September 11 was a terrible tragedy and should be remembered forever.

September 11, 2001 was one of the most horrific days the world has ever seen. Schools and work places need to remember this day. It is important that we think about and pray for those Innocent people who were lost that day. Thousands of people lost loved ones, even young kids died form this terrorist attack. Four United States planes were hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon and the Twin Towers. According to CNN 2973 people died on this day just six years ago.

The fact that schools and work places are not educating their students about this day is ridiculous. Kids especially need to know about this day in history. A lot of children do not remember what happened this day because they were to young. We need to remind them how many people were lost. They need to understand that things happen and sometimes people can get hurt or even killed. Schools need to teach them that it is not OK to hurt others or do wrong to others. If we do not teach young kids these lessons than when they get older, they may not fully understand the concept of not injuring others.

I remember September 11, 2001 vividly. I was at my neighbors house to carpool for school. I was standing their waiting for everyone, when we were on our way out the door I glanced at the television and could not believe my eyes. I was only eight years old and I wasn't sure what had happened, I only had a few seconds to comprehend the image on the screen of the burning building. When i go to the school the teachers were all listening to the radio. I remember sitting in my classroom listening to my teacher explain what was going on and tell us that the United States was under attack. All that day, we listened to the radio. I had never experienced anything this dramatic in my life. The thought of all the people who lost loved ones is unbelievable.

In this feed, it was mention that only few recent U.S history books had much to say about 9/11. September 11 is such an important date in U.S history. If it is not put in history books eventually it will be forgotten. The history books that it was mentioned in included limited information. Four out of nine text books talked about how many people were killed, and who was responsible for it.

9/11 was a big deal. Schools are starting to act like it is not. Teachers should educate children and teens about it. Young kids should know that not everyone in the World does the right thing. If they don't learn this when they are young they will be ignorant about the situation as they get older and won't be prepared for it when they do find out. We can't let September 11, 2001 be forgotten, it is to important.



annes said...

Alena, I am so proud of you. This is well written, personal, reflective and really shows your audience about what matters. Well done! Keep up the great work.

DennisRocks said...

I agree, people of America and the world should remember the terriable event. So many people suffered, so they need to be remembered.