Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Today I read a post called http://thinklab.typepad.com/think_lab/2007/09/is-payment-for-.html. This post asks the question ..

Is Payment for Good Grades Legitimate Motivation in This Day and Age?

Although there are good outcomes from paying a student to get good grades, I don't think it is the best way to approach the subject. Some tests show that when a parent or adult pays their child when they get a good grade actually improves the student academically, it can cause problems in the future.

Paying a student when he or she gets an A gets that person in a routine of receiving something for whenever their grade is high. Even though this is a good thing at that moment in time it may not be so great for the future. When that person goes to college he is still going to rely on his parents for a certain amount of money. If he doesn't recieve that money he may slip through the cracks and fall behind. Our parents can't always be there to send us ten or fifteen dollars for getting an A. We can't depend on that to keep our grades up.

Getting good grades will have a reward for us sooner or later. If we get good grades throughout high school we are guranteed to get into an amazing college. From there, if we get good grades in college we will have a good future. Paying for good things can even go beyond grades. If a student depends on getting money for whenever he or she does something good, it can carry on throughout there life. For example if he gets a job, he may expect to get something from his parents. And maybe its not even money he is expecting, it can go beyond money. Paying them allows the student to not be independent and always rely on someone else.

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