Tuesday, November 6, 2007

PLN 17

Today I read We Can't Stop It. This was a touching post because it talks about how firefighters are risking their lives to but out these treacherous wild fires. There is no way to completely stop these fires, they are out of control. Firefighters are doing their best to control and protect as much land and homes as they can, but it isn't doing much good. We need to get more firefighters out their to help prevent more of these.

Thousands of homes and even lives have been lost to these fires. California has the worst wild fires, and they are destroying everything in their path. Prevention of these wildfires happen even before the fire. Their are ways to help lessen these fires. So many people have lost their homes and belongings. We need to work continually to settle the fires. I cannot imagine what I would do if my house burned to the ground due to a wildfire. These people must be devastated. Firefighters are true hero's, they put other peoples lives before their own and are doing their best.

One wildfire that has been going on is said to burn until it reaches the ocean. Even though it is hard to realize, there is not much they can do about it. Wildfires just keep going, especially with the increased wind and hot weather. We need to keep water on the areas and do our very best to prevent more homes and people from being hurt.

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